This year’s Social Media Marketing World had so many incredible speakers that I’m still catching up on the recorded sessions and having my mind blown!
In this video, I’ve compiled 17 amazing (and amazingly quick!) 20-second tips from some of the smartest content marketers in the world. It includes experts in video marketing, Instagram marketing, measurement, overall strategy, and (of course) social media marketing.
If you’re looking for quick hits to jump start your creativity or just get your head in the right place, book mark this post and give it a watch!
Michael Stelzner (Social Media Examiner) – Go all in on video, start with stories and move up to longer form video.
Chris Ducker (Youpreneur) – Be your authentic self so people know who they’re connecting with.
Michaela Alexis (LinkedIn marketing expert) – Stop writing for yourself…right for others! Use CTRL+F to find all the times you’re using me/my/I and swap those for you/them.
Pat Flynn (Author, Entrepreneur) – Put the spotlight on your customer and make them the hero so they can see how your product relates to them.
Andy Crestodina (Orbit Media) – Use analytics to find insights into why your content is performing or not, and use it to test new things.
Andrew & Pete (Atomic) – Focus 90% of your effort doing one thing remarkably well, using the other 10% to just maintain a presence as needed.
Tim Schmoyer (Video Creators) – Make content specifically for your exact ideal target audience. Don’t make general content for a general audience unless you want very general results.
Ann Handley (speaker, author) – Show up as your true, authentic self, flaws and all. Being present is more important than being perfect.
Jay Baer (author, entrepreneur) – Have a plan, and create specific types of shows that your audience can count on and plan to watch.
Mike Kim (speaker, podcaster) – Use content to help your customers get to know you, build a relationship, and move them down the funnel. It should open a relationship, not always try to just close a sale.
Allie Bloyd (real estate marketing expert) – Align your content topics and timing with your customers’ search and scroll habits. This will help people find then information they want on social when they’re most receptive to it.
Melanie Deziel (Story Fuel) – You don’t have to reinvent the wheel with every single piece of content! Repurpose your best content (the stuff that’s working) for new platforms and audiences.
Ian Cleary (RazorSocial) – Measure your content’s performance with Google Analytics and set goals and benchmarks so you know if your efforts are moving the needle.
Tyler Anderson (Casual Fridays) – Let your customers create content for you (aka User Generated Content) to improve organic reach
Rob Wiltsey (RWCP Video Marketing) – Break patterns by making video and other content that’s the opposite of what your competition is doing. Don’t be aafraid to get weird to stand out!
Mark Schaefer (Marketing futurist) – Great marketing is about non-conformity. Zig when other people zag so you can win the war for attention.
Jasmine Star (Instagram marketing expert) – Offer your customers the transformation they’re seeking. Don’t show them your product, show them who they’ll become after using your product!
Top Trends in content marketing for 2020
What’s the takeaway? Did you notice any trends? The overall trend for content marketing in 2020 seems to be video, with an emphasis on being helpful and providing value to your audience.
It’s not just about the sale. It’s about connecting with your audience rather than selling to a customer. The sales pitch can come later, but you need to build the relationship first. One good way to do that is to be authentic. Show your real self, be honest, and let people see how you and your company work. What makes the brand and product special? Or unique?
Another key tactic is to stand out. If everyone is making more videos, how do you make a marketing video that gets attention? Simple: Be different. Do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. There are a lot of ways to do that, which is a topic I’ll explore in more detail in a separate post.
One thing no one mentioned is the tools, but fellow content marketer Larry Kim shared his list of 15 content marketing tools & apps to make your job a bit easier.
Want more quick content marketing tips?
Then you’ve got to checkout my weekly Bite Size Content Newsletter. It’s free, and you’ll get the the tips, tactics and stories there first, before I post them here on the blog. Subscribe here.
You can also follow me on social (@tylerbenedict on FB/TW/IG), or subscribe to my YouTube channel to catch all my videos as soon as they post! If you’ve got time to dive deep, check out the Peak Content Summit online course, where you can stream all 10 speaker sessions from my own content marketing conference!