Have you ever tried to come up with a business idea that’s mostly automated and creates a great passive income stream?
Or tried to figure out how to take your skillset and turn it into a low-effort lifestyle business?
Well, that’s almost exactly what this guest has done. Tina Wilmott already knew the Public Relations agency business, so when she wanted to take control of her time and her life, she found a gap in how brands were able to get their news in front of the media. She launched Endurance Sportswire, and quickly hired a small team to handle the daily tasks.

In theory, her small business could basically run itself, but as you’ll learn, the dream is much harder than the reality, especially for those of us with an entrepreneurial, growth mindset. If you want to launch your own side hustle or lifestyle business, or you’re just interested in PR and media, this is a great episode for you!

What I love about Tina’s story, and what resonates so deeply with me, is that she just can’t stop thinking about how to grow her business. What’s that next step? Where can it grow from here?
The risk I’ve always run is chasing that next big move, but then ignoring the basic business model that got me from point A to B, and then B to C.
Sometimes, I just want to jump straight from C to X, but it’s important to keep refining the business we have, keep it relevant, and when we are ready to take that next step, make sure the team is in place to allow that growth to happen.
I also really enjoyed this one because, as a digital publisher whose built and run several huge websites, the struggle to bridge that gap between brands, PR, and media is real. It’s a topic I write and interview about here, particularly how to get more press for your brand and learn how to better work with the media, influencers, and content creators.
I should add that there’s usually no such thing as a “low effort” business. The more you put into it, the more it grows and the more potential it has. Tina has built a well-oiled machine, but there’s competition out there, and potential new customers pop up all the time.
So she has to maintain the hustle to reach them, and develop new products to help her customers get the attention they’re paying for. There is no such thing as stasis…you’re either growing, or dying.
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