Content is king. Come learn to do it right.

I’m launching an event called Peak Content Summit, and it’s coming to Asheville, NC, in early 2020. It’s a fully integrated learning opportunity for brand and marketing managers who want to develop an engaging content marketing strategy, and I’ll have some amazing speakers and experts there.

Why start a content marketing summit?

Because, as founder of, I’ve seen an exponential increase in interest from brands in telling their story. Every time we produce a killer post or video for a brand that helps showcase their features, benefits or story, others want more of that. Banners and traditional ads aren’t dead, but they’re only part of the story now. “Engagement” and “Virality” are hot topics, but unless you have content worth sharing and worth talking about, they’re pipe dreams. It all starts with good content. And that’s what we’re here to help you create.

Here are a few examples of recent content deals or stories we’ve created on Bikerumor. Not all of these are paid, some are just stories we thought our readers would enjoy, but they’ve all been very successful. And this is just the beginning of what can be done…

Want to learn how to create your own compelling content? Or work with a media outlet like Bikerumor to develop integrated stories that really connect with consumers? Check out the Peak Content Summit, and join our email list to stay up to date, and follow us on social media for more tips and tactics!

See you in Asheville in 2020!

– Tyler

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